Our Inclusive Education Program...
We are...
a state-approved facility serving Deaf and Hard of Hearing students since 1957.
the best school within the Archdiocese of Chicago and the #1 Catholic School in the state of Illinois for students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing from first through eighth grade.
equipped to offer IEP and CEP (Catholic Education Plan) Services.
committed to incorporating sign language curriculum into our inclusive education programs for our students.
Our IE Philosophy
Our philosophy is Total Communication, helping Deaf and Hard of Hearing children learn to live in both the deaf and hearing worlds. The program enables Deaf and Hard of Hearing students who are capable of learning in a regular education classroom to be placed with their hearing peers. Interpreting services are provided to students who need them, and each child is individually evaluated to be placed in the best learning environment for their needs. We believe that with appropriate classroom placement, resources, and support, any child can thrive.
Our Program
Each child in our Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program is exposed to all curriculum areas with a strong emphasis on language and reading. Students are placed in the least restrictive environment (LRE) based on their Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Students may be placed in one of two LRE's: self-contained or mainstreamed. Self-contained classrooms consist solely of Deaf or Hard of Hearing students. Mainstreamed students are placed in classrooms with their hearing peers.
Children of Peace School embraces the concept of Total Communication, which incorporates the use of sign language, finger spelling, speech, lip-reading, and auditory training. Each child has the opportunity for individual speech lessons. We offer a continuum of services that includes speech and interpreting resources.
Students learn and understand that language is the connective tissue that enables them to comprehend truth. Our emphasis on Total Communication makes learning more meaningful and empowers Deaf or Hard of Hearing students to fully engage in the religious, educational, and social life of the school.
Services Offered
Total Communication Philosophy
Full curriculum content
Continuum of services in speech and interpreting
Latest computer hardware/software
Phonic FM systems
Staff who are knowledgeable in the use of cochlear implants, programmable and other types of hearing aids
Low teacher to student ratio with qualified, caring & certified teachers
Open and regular communication between parents and teachers
Parent Support Group
Children of Peace is committed to providing all students with the academic support they need to succeed. We offer a variety of resources and services, including:

Counseling Services
Counseling services are available for all students upon completion of a parental consent form. Parents, teachers, or students can request services.

Hearing Itinerant
A developmental therapist provides hearing support to our students with hearing loss.

Speech Pathology
A speech pathologist is available for students who need support with oral communication.

Title 1 Services
Support services are provided in reading, math, & executive functioning.