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Montessori Program

The Children of Peace Montessori Program serves children between the ages of 3 and 9. The design of the learning environments and the curriculum materials are grounded in the Montessori approach to educating young children. This approach encourages self-discipline, self-knowledge, independence, academic skills, problem solving ability and an enthusiasm for learning. The three-year span of enrollment allows children, parents and teachers to develop supportive, collaborative and trusting relationships.


Primary Montessori (Ages 3-5)

Children in the Montessori Primary program are budding explorers eager to try new things. The program is designed to nurture your child’s development. Your child will emerge with a set of skills – social, emotional, and academic. During these formative years, the social, physical, and intellectual functioning of the child is unified.


The most important role of the Primary program is to provide children with an early and general foundation that includes: a positive attitude towards school, inner security and self-direction, a sense of order, and strong problem-solving skills. This foundation enables them to acquire more specialized knowledge and skills throughout

their school career.

Lower Elementary Montessori (Ages 6-9)

Children in the lower elementary Montessori classroom look like joyful scholars. Having moved through the passage from the sensorial exploration (ages 3-6) to the beginnings of abstract thought, these children are excited to be learning all about the world. They have gathered sensibilities and skills in the pre-primary classroom and are equipped and excited to find out about the world they live in. They grow into being geographers, historians, scientists and continue to build skills in reading, spelling, writing and mathematics. The school day is a balance of teacher-directed, small-group lessons, independent study, and team research.

Your child will be responsible for setting his or her own daily agenda and recording activities in a work journal as time management skills are highly emphasized. The teacher will schedule weekly meetings to chart each child’s progress. Children present their journal, along with examples of independent work and discuss how their time was utilized during the week.

3 Things to Know About Montessori

Mixed Class Groups (3-9)

In the Montessori classroom, there is a three year mixed age grouping. The mixed age grouping promotes independence in younger children and leadership skills in older children. The younger students are intrigued by their older classmates and seek their guidance and support throughout the day. The older children then serve as mentors

and role models both socially

and academically.

The curriculum is highly individualized and independence is encouraged in the classroom

Each lesson is presented based on the child’s unique potential and current level of development. Children are taught how to care for their own needs and provided with opportunities to improve through practice. The Montessori classroom is uniquely structured to provide constant exposure to

exercise self-efficacy.

Hands-on materials facilitate self-directed learning

The Montessori curriculum is designed to engage the child’s whole being. Based on the belief that the child learns by doing, the brain is actively forming connections based on first-hand experiences

and initiative.

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